A great historical thriller Among the streets of the Serenissima, the Wolves of Venice are once again on the hunt...
Venice, XVI century.
Marco Gianetti, the workshop assistant of the famous Tintoretto, has to deal with the consequences of his actions. Corrupted by the writer Pietro Aretino, to whose blackmail he bent his will, he is now hated by the Jews of the ghetto, who blame him for a heinous crime. The more time passes, the more Gianetti becomes convinced that money is a dangerous obsession and he has endangered his life. But as he prepares to come to terms with his conscience, a series of brutal crimes upsets the city.
One of the victims is the daughter of the Dutch apothecary Nathaniel der Witt, who cannot rest on her death and decides to investigate to find out the truth. His investigation will put him on the trail of characters like Tintoretto; but also Adam the Baptist, a spy; the courtesan Tita Boldini; the merchant French Lauret and the most desired woman in Venice, Caterina Zucca. The Wolves of Venice are hunting again...
(Reached No 1 Amazon Historical Fiction)
I Cospiratori Di Venezia
The Wolves of Venice (book 2 of 3).